Victor &Voria

Name: Voria
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Wizard/Magician (Sorceress)
Stregth: Weak
Physical Defence: Average
Magical Defence: Strong (Shadow and Cure magic cure her up. Very weak against White.)
Magical Power: Strong
Agility: Low
Evade: Average
Intellegence: Average
Stamina: Average
Weapon: Dagger
Magic Types: Shadow (strong) & Fire (weak)
Techs/Skills: Kiss (Ayla)

Name: Victor
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Wizard/Magician (Sorcerer)
Stregth: Average
Physical Defence: Average
Magical Defence: Strong
Magical Power: Strong
Agility: Strong
Evade: Average
Intellegence: Average
Stamina: Average
Weapon: Scythe
Magic Types: Fire (strong) & Shadow (weak)
Techs/Skills: Kiss (Ayla)

Victor and Voria were transported to 630 AD through a black gate from another world. In their world we were rejected, outcasts. Made fun of non-stop because they looked and acted differently. But through the hard times they were always there for one another. Even though it wasn't true love until the age of 14, they were always best friends. After years of being used as food targets and relentless teasing their rage grew, and at age 12 they found that the best way to get it out was by extracting the evil energy, magic. Soon casting magic was used as a past time and later taken very seriously. Years of training stregthened them and by the time they were 19, they were increadibly powerful mages. That's when the evil started. Fugitives in even their own world, running from anyone other than each other, Victor and Voria were not only hated by peers, but by authorities. As a way of escape they ran into the Giant Forest, whereas they discovered the black gate, talked of in legends. It was known to sweep all who entered it to the other side, but no one knew for sure and no one dared try to find out. With nervous glance at each other and a soft kiss, they escaped through the gate. That's how they got to Guardia Forest. They do not wish to go back, nor can the gate be opened even if they wanted to. They feel that they derserve world domination, whichVictor reinforces constantly, by telling Voria how beutiful she is and how she deserves to be the queen. They are increadibly close and would give their lives for each other. They live in the Cathedral that was burried underground by an earthquake in 606 AD. It is somewhat damaged, but an ideal hideout. Now torches are it's only light source and often times they have to open the passageway out to let out smoke, hoping nobody with notice. They are now 20 years old and closer and more determined than ever. Beware they're wrath, and even more deadly, their love.